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Get to Know Yourself!


Knowing yourself as a person is extremely important for you and your partner. If you are a little or think you are one, this doubles in importance because getting to know your little side will help you to figure out what you need in a relationship, for yourself in general, and how to cope with obstacles that come from having a personality that is so off the beaten path. The first thing every little should know is that there is nothing wrong with you. You are not weird, you are not sick, and just because you are little doesn't mean you had any traumatic experience that spurred it on. You are beautiful just the way you are!


*October 26th - November 1st*


Self Discovery Activity #5


What is your absolute favorite thing about Halloween? This week's self discovery is all about word association! What do you think when you think Halloween? Spooky, creepy, witches, monsters? In your Little Book, write down all the things you think when you think of October 31st. Feeling exta creative this week? Write a poem or story using the words you come up with.



Note: Self Discovery Activities/Questions will only be updated weekly because some things may take more time than others to figure out or answer!



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