"Time to go to bed, baby"
Is something no little is excited about hearing. This is largely due to the fact that when in little space, we are just that: little. It's as important for us to have a bedtime routine as it is for a real baby.
Establish a routine like this one.
Set a bedtime. A good one is around 10 or 10:30 pm for adult little ones, but this is entirely up to you or your caregiver.
Give yourself time to unwind. Do things that relax you- read a book, take a bath or have a snack.
Put on your jammies and get your stuffie, blankie, or whatever makes you comfortable.
Give night night kisses.
Play soothing music and turn out the lights.
Once you have a routine, stick to it!
Again, consistency is key. This is important because it lets little ones know what to expect at the end of the day and it helps things go smoothly. Structure is very important!
Tips for Caregivers:
Though it may be hard, when you lay your little prince or princess down if they call to you, don't come back. If you do, they will think that just because they call to you, you will come back. This is not true for all littles but you may want to consider this.
Limit night time cups and bottles when it's time to go to sleep.
Even if they throw a tantrum, remain stern and don't give in. Some littles can be rather naughty if you let them.
Snuggling is great, but at night, keep night night cuddles to a minimum.
Time for Bed!
For many littles and their caregivers, bedtime is the worst time of the day! Enforcing sleep times, whether it's night night or nappies, can be met with whinning, tantrums, and just general misbehavior. Help your little one wind down with these tips, specially modified for bigger little boys and girls.
If your little sweetheart is anything like me, bed time usually ends in whinning and "I'm not sleepy!" even though you can see their tiny eyes drooping. Littles can be very difficult, so having a plan is best. But don't worry! I'm going to show you how to make a routine as uniquely little as we are.
Bed Time Poem
"Young Night Thought" by Robert Louis Stevenson
All night long and every night,
When my mama puts out the light,
I see the people marching,
As plain as day, before my eyes.
Armies and emperors and kings,
All carrying different kinds of things,
And marching in so grand a way,
You never saw the like by day.
So fine a show was never seen
At the great circus on the green,
For every kind of beast and man
Is marching in that caravan.
At first they move a little slow,
But still the faster on they go,
And still beside them close I keep
Until we reach the town of sleep.